Legal Notice

This site - henceforth known as "the Site" - has been created by the company - henceforth known as the "Editor" - :

Company name INTER MED IMMO 34
Company stucture SARL
Capital 7622 €
Head office Centre Port - Résidence La Madragde 50, rue de la Gabelle 34300 LE CAP D'AGDE
Company registration number 378 948 111 00018
Phone 04 67 21 53 41
Publishing director Monsieur ROUSSILLON Patrick
Professional registration number 3401 2016 000 008 901
Guarantee fund Garantie Financière Q.B.E Paris Insurance Limited Europe - agrée S.N.P.I 110.000€
VAT number
Pro card issued by : CCI Béziers - St Pons (34)
Pro card delivery on : 15-06-2022
Médiator : Association MEDIMMOCONSO 1 allée du Parc de Mesemena, Bât A CS 25222 - 44505 La Baule cedex
"(*) This information is not currently available, but please Contact us "
  • Inter-Med-Immo34

Inter-Med-Immo34 agence d'Agde
Inter-Med-Immo34 agence du Cap d'Agde
Inter-Med-Immo34 Agence du Grau d'Agde
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